Specializing In Mto Scales

Truck scales in this category are designed for trucks that are used in normal highway transportation. The modular design of these products allow for customization to suit your exact needs. Choose from a wide range of steel and concrete deck truck scale designs that use our POWERCELL load cell technology to provide proven performance and exceptional durability.

The Ministry of Transportation monitors the condition of commer­cial motor vehicles operating in Ontario and, when necessary, takes corrective action. One method of accomplishing this task is through vehicle inspections, which can be performed by ministry enforcement staff or police officers. Ministry enforcement staff perform inspec­tions at truck inspection stations.

All drivers of a commercial vehicle as defined in section 16(1) of the Highway Traffic Act should carry and surrender on demand the following documents:

  • A valid driver’s licence of the appropriate class for the vehicle being operated
  • The registration or a true copy for the truck and trailer (if any) being operated
  • The CVOR certificate or true copy of the individual or company responsible for the driver, vehicle and its load
  • An original insurance certificate for the vehicle being operated (vehicle-specific or a fleet policy)
  • A daily inspection report that has been completed within 24 hours and a copy of the appropriate inspection schedule
  • A daily log for the day and the previous fourteen days
  • All supporting documents to the driver, including but not limited to fuel, bridge, toll and accommodation receipts